How do I edit a CheckNote template?

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*Available in the Premium Version

Edit a CheckNote Template or Create your own CheckNote Template:

  1. From the main menu tap “Create a New Map” or “Map Existing Group”.
  2. Select the existing group, or if this is your first group, add a group name, choose a layout, and tap “Continue”.  (Hint, the yellow classroom layout will allow you to freely place participants anywhere on the screen.)
  3. Tap “Done” to enter the mapping screen.
  4. BEFORE you begin mapping, tap the blue settings icon in the upper right corner
  5. Tap “CheckNote Template” and the list will appear.
  6. Tap “View/Edit” view or edit your desired template.
  7.  You can tap on any characteristic to edit the description, you can swipe left to delete a characteristic, or you “Add a Category” to add a new characteristic.
  8. To create your own template, tap “My Template”, which will be blank upon download of the app.
  9. Tap “Add Category” to add a characteristic.
  10. Swipe any category left to delete the category from the template.
  11. We recommend using an Apple symbol or emoji for each Characteristic for quick and easy reference while mapping.
  12. Once complete tap “Back” and you will be prompted with the following:
  13. “Would you like this as your default CheckNote template?  YES/NO”
  14. Tap “Yes” and that CheckNote template will be included with all future groups until you edit the existing template or select a new template.
  15. Tap “Close” and you are ready to start your class or meeting!

Sample CheckNote Template  (Socratic Seminar):

Category: CheckNotes
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